Swollen eyes can occur for many reasons. Generally, having swollen eyes is a symptom of an underlying eye condition. Therefore, identifying its cause is necessary to provide the proper treatment and avoid further discomfort.


Are you or your loved ones suffering from swollen eyelids? Keep reading to learn more about the indications of swollen eyes, the possible causes, and treatments.

What Causes Swollen Eyes?

Swollen eyes are a typical eye condition caused by inflammation or an accumulation of fluid in the connective tissues surrounding your eyes. Generally speaking, swollen eyes refer to an immune system reaction to an allergy, infection, or wound.

Depending on the cause, this condition can bring mild to severe pain, affecting the upper or lower eyelid. Experiencing swollen eyelids may occur for several reasons, including:

Swollen Eyes Treatments

Quick And Effective At-Home Treatments

Fortunately, there are several treatments for swollen eyelids you can do in the comfort of your home. Here are some tips you can do in cases of mild swelling:

  • Apply a cool compress to ease swelling and pain.
  • Remove contact lenses if you are wearing them.
  • Place cooled tea bags on your swollen eyelids.
  • Do not rub your eyes, or the condition will worsen.

Professional Eye Care Treatments


In more severe conditions where the above tips do not work, medical help is necessary. For example, if swollen eyelids persist for more than 24-48 hours, go to an eye care center immediately for an eye check-up and prescription.

In case of allergies, the doctor may prescribe antihistamine eye drops or oral allergy medicines. An eye care specialist could also suggest steroid eye drops if an allergic response is severe. Medications for ocular herpes and conjunctivitis include anti-viral drugs, anti-inflammatory eye drops, ointments, or antibiotics.

If you suffer from swollen eyes, get an exam today to find the best treatment for your eyes.

Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have questions about swollen eyes, other eye conditions, and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com.

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!

What Is Digital Eye Strain?


Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS), is a common condition that occurs when individuals spend extended periods of time looking at digital screens, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. It is characterized by a range of eye discomfort and vision problems that can develop or worsen as a result of prolonged screen use.

What are the causes and symptoms?

Some common symptoms of digital eye strain include:

  • Eye Fatigue
  • Blurred Vision
  • Dry Eyes
  • Headaches
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Difficulty Focusing
  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Difficulty Sleeping

The causes of digital eye strain are multifactorial and include:

  • Screen Glare
  • Blue Light Exposure
  • Screen Distance and Angle
  • Uncorrected Vision Problems
  • Screen Use Duration

What is the connection between blinking and Digital Eye Strain?

Blinking is closely tied to digital eye strain because it directly affects the stability of the tear film and the overall comfort of the eyes. By being mindful of your blinking habits and taking steps to maintain proper eye lubrication, you can reduce the risk of discomfort and eye strain associated with prolonged screen use.

Most people blink between 15 and 20 times per minute.

Blinking is essential to keep your eyes in good shape. It will clean and moisten the eyes. Blinking clears debris like tiny dust particles from your eye surface. Blinking also distributes the secretions from your tear glands, your tears, over the exposed area of your eyeball and thus provides oxygen and nutrients to the eye surface.

All this is necessary to prevent infections and see clearly.

Recent research also shows that blinking allows your brain to rest briefly so you can better focus afterward.

What happens when you blink less often?


Your eyes will dry out if you don’t blink often enough. This will cause irritation, redness, pain, and blurry vision.

You will also have a higher risk of infection because debris like dust particles will not be cleared away by blinking and lack of oxygen.

Your cornea needs the tear film for oxygen supply since it does not have blood vessels. The tear film gets distributed over your cornea every time you blink. If you don’t blink, the cornea will swell due to lack of oxygen, and this will cause blurry vision.

Not blinking for a prolonged time can happen when your eyelids don’t close completely while sleeping. If you blink less often than usual, your cornea will still have enough oxygen.

Why do we blink less often?

Blinking is an automatic movement of the eyelids. You blink without thinking about it. You tend to blink less when you focus hard on a particular task or object.

Staring at a computer screen, tablet, or cellphone has that same effect.

Research shows that the blinking rate can drop by 60%, causing ‘digital eye strain and dry eyes. Since our eyes have never had more screen time than nowadays, eye strain and dry eyes are dramatically on the rise, even in young children.

What to do: Follow the 20/20/20 rule


The 20/20/20 rule is a simple and effective technique to help relieve and prevent digital eye strain. It encourages you to take regular breaks from screen time to reduce eye strain and discomfort. Here’s how the 20/20/20 rule works:

  • Every 20 minutes: While working or using a digital device, set a timer or reminder to take a break every 20 minutes. This break can be brief but should involve taking your eyes off the screen.
  • Look at something 20 feet away: During your break, shift your focus to something in the distance, approximately 20 feet (about 6 meters) away. This allows your eye muscles to relax and helps reduce strain on your eyes.
  • For at least 20 seconds: While looking at the distant object, blink your eyes several times and allow them to rest for at least 20 seconds. Blinking helps moisten your eyes and reduces the risk of dryness and irritation.

Other practical tips to prevent digital eye strain are:

  • Increase font size
  • Position your screen a little further away, at least at arm’s length
  • Dim the brightness on your screen
  • Use lubricating eye drops
  • Correct your vision with the right prescription and wear your eyeglasses
  • Ensure Proper Lighting

Medical tourism is traveling to another country to receive medical care. It has been around for quite some time, but it has grown exponentially in the last few years (before the pandemic). Why is that? Why would people travel around the world to have a cosmetic procedure, dental work, or eye surgery done?


There are a variety of reasons people will travel to another country seeking specific medical care. The most important one is affordability. For most medical tourists, the price is the real attraction. One’s health insurance does not cover many procedures like dental work or cosmetic and eye surgeries. Even with the added travel expenses, procedures can still be much cheaper than those in one’s country of residence. Other reasons for traveling abroad to receive medical treatments can be anonymity, long waiting lists for specific procedures, or the lack of highly qualified doctors in some countries.

A lot of times, the combination of getting medical treatment while enjoying a vacation has an added benefit of a restful and speedy recovery. The hospitals and clinics that cater to the medical tourist market are often among the best in the world. Many are staffed by physicians trained at major medical centers in the US and Europe.

So why not travel to a holiday destination and return home feeling or looking better or with a much better vision than before?

In Vietnam, medical tourism mainly focuses on dental care and cosmetic procedures. The costs are still relatively low compared to surrounding medical tourism locations like Thailand and Singapore. At the same time, the quality and the experience of these procedures are high.


The cost-saving potential, the available infrastructure like flights, hotels, and resorts, and the overall level of safety and security, combined with the extensive tourism opportunities, make Vietnam a premier location for medical tourists. A relative newcomer in medical tourism in Vietnam is eye care, whether PRELEX or cataract surgery, Vision correction is highly suitable for medical tourism.

Also, vitrectomy for floaters, which removes these annoying little specs, strands, or cobwebs floating in your field of vision, is an available procedure. These procedures are all elective surgeries. This means they can be scheduled in advance and are not urgent. Almost all are done in outpatient care, meaning that after the procedure, you can go home or, when visiting, back to your hotel.

When considering a vision correction procedure, or any medical treatment for that matter, it is of the utmost importance to choose a qualified and experienced doctor or surgeon who uses the latest techniques and the latest equipment. Be sure the clinic or hospital adheres to the highest level of safety and hygiëne and the staff speaks a language you can communicate in.

If you are planning vision correction surgery, you will probably need 10 to 12 days for the two surgeries (1 for each eye a few days apart and a few days after). You will have an eye patch after the surgery, which will be removed the next day. Usually, your vision improvement after surgery is immediate, and you will be able to resume normal activities very quickly and enjoy your vacation.

Cataract and PRELEX eye surgery are ideal for medical tourism because there is very little downtime or discomfort. Whether you want to start exploring or start enjoying your relaxing stay, you will definitely enjoy your improved vision!

If you are interested in cataract or PRELEX eye surgery or vitrectomy for floaters, contact us at the European Eye Center in Vietnam for more information.

Today’s article will examine whether it is safe to swim with contact lenses, what to do if water gets in your eyes, and safety tips to keep in mind when swimming with contact lenses.

Why Avoid Wearing Contacts While Swimming?


Swimming with contact lenses is usually not a good idea and is highly unrecommended in most cases.

In addition to possibly losing your contacts, swimming with contact lenses in all types of water, even in chemical-treated pools, causes bacteria and viruses to enter your eyes and get trapped inside the lenses. As a result, you might develop an eye infection and other eye-related issues.

Overall, swimming with contacts can irritate and even damage your eyes. Moreover, you might contract amoeba and suffer from a rare eye condition named Acanthamoeba keratitis, which can lead to permanent vision loss in some cases.

Swimming with contacts may increase your risk of the following eye issues:

  • Corneal ulcers
  • Corneal abrasion
  • Eye irritation or inflammation
  • Eye infections
  • Dry eyes

What To Do After Swimming With Contact Lenses?

You should remove your contacts as soon as possible when water gets in your eyes to minimize the risk of eye infection and irritation.

After disinfecting your contact lenses, it’s crucial to look out for any symptoms of eye infection, as this extra measure will prevent possible eye infections from worsening.

Signs of eye infection might include:

  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Eye pain
  • Swelling
  • Feeling like something is stuck inside your eyes

Safety Tips For Contact Lens Wearers

girl smiling wearing swimming goggle in the pool Is It Safe To Swim With Contact Lenses

Swimming with contact lenses should always be discouraged, but if you need to wear contacts while swimming:

  • Use daily disposable contact lenses.
  • Use swimming goggles to protect your eyes.
  • Rinse your eyes immediately after swimming.
  • Soak your contacts in contact lens solution for 24 hours.

A better solution is:

  • Consider getting Ortho-K lenses or LASIK surgery to improve your vision.

If you suffer from an eye disorder, get an exam today to find the best treatment for your eyes.

Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have questions about swimming with contact lenses or other conditions and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com 

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!

Millions of people wear contact lenses every day. They’re a safe and convenient way to correct the most common vision problems.

They are ideal for sports and outdoor activities, or when you just don’t want to wear glasses. Kids as young as 8 can wear contact lenses if disciplined enough to use them properly.

If you’re a beginner at wearing contact lenses, here’s everything you need to know.

Different Types of Contact Lenses

closeup shot young woman wearing remove A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Contact Lenses

Contact lenses come in different materials:

Soft contact lenses

They are made of a soft and breathable material and are very comfortable to use. They come in the most common prescriptions. Soft contact lenses are available as:

  • Daily disposables
  • Bi-weekly disposables
  • Monthly disposables

Hard contact lenses

These are the Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses, made from a harder material, which makes them initially harder to get used to.

These lenses are custom-made for the most comfortable fit, usually for people with complicated or unusual prescriptions.

Contact lenses come in different strengths:

  • Spherical  (for nearsightedness or farsightedness)
  • Torical (for astigmatism)
  • Multifocal (if you need correction for near and far vision)

Colored contact lenses: If you want to change your appearance lots of brands carry colored lenses nowadays, with or without prescription strengths.

How to Choose the Right Lenses for You

contact lens vision closeup female eye A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Contact Lenses

If you have never used contact lenses before, you should see your eye doctor first for a comprehensive eye exam. You will receive an up-to-date prescription and check if you’re a good candidate for contact lenses.

Remember, your contact lens prescription is different from your glasses prescription.

The right size and curvature of the contact lenses will be determined for the most comfortable fit.

How To Put In And Remove Contact Lenses

How to put in contact lenses

  • Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry them with a towel before handling contact lenses.
  • Next, remove the lens from its case and place it on the tip of your  index finger, ensuring the lens has a perfect bowl shape
  • Use 2 fingers of your other hand to simultaneously pull up your upper and pull down your lower eyelid.
  • Next, set the lens onto your cornea.
  • Look down or blink a couple of times, and your lens will automatically settle in the right place.
  • Repeat with the opposite eye.

How to remove contact lenses

  • To remove the lens, use 2 fingers from 1 hand to simultaneously pull up your upper and pull down your lower eyelid.
  • Use the index finger and thumb of your other hand to gently grab the contact lens and pull it from your eye
  • When your lenses are daily disposables, throw them away. For all other lenses, store them in a clean case with a cleaning solution to prevent contamination.
  • Always take out your contacts at night

How To Clean And Store Your Contact Lenses

young woman holding contact lenses cases A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Contact Lenses

Except for daily disposable lenses, all other lenses have to be cleaned regularly.

  • Put your lens in the palm of your hand and pour the solution on it. Gently rub the lens with your finger.
  • Place the lens on the top of your index finger and rinse both sides with some solution.
  • Put the lens in its case filled with solution. The lens should be submerged in the solution. Never reuse contact lens solutions.
  • Close the lens case.
  • When wearing your contacts, airdry the case facing up.

When You Need To See Your Eye Doctor

Taking proper care of your contact lenses is very important to prevent eye infections.

If you are a contact lens wearer, remove your contacts and visit your ophthalmologist when you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Your eye is red
  • Your eye is painful
  • You are sensitive to light
  • You have discharge from your eye
  • You have blurry vision
  • Your eye feels scratchy

Have trouble reading this text? Take a proactive approach to your vision care and see an eye specialist today

Every patient deserves top-quality eye care. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have any questions about contact lenses or any other questions about our services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!

Learn about the basics of presbyopia, a universal eye condition in adults over 40, including definition, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.


Presbyopia Definition

man having headache What Is Presbyopia

Presbyopia is a vision condition that comes naturally with aging because the lens becomes less flexible.

People with presbyopia have problems seeing or reading at close range. As a result, they have to hold the item at arm’s length to see it clearly.

Presbyopia is often confused with farsightedness (hyperopia), because they both result in poor near vision.

Presbyopia starts around the age of 40 and progresses until 60. Almost everyone over 65 has presbyopia.


Signs & Symptoms of Presbyopia

In addition to holding reading material farther away to read the words correctly, symptoms of presbyopia include:

  • Fatigue
  • Squinting to see things clearly
  • Eye strain
  • Having difficulty seeing things up close
  • Needing bright light to see or read clearly


What Causes Presbyopia?

drinking and smoking habit What Is Presbyopia

Our lenses become thicker and less flexible as we age, resulting in the inability to focus nearby objects onto the retina. Consequently, tasks requiring up-close attention like reading or sewing become challenging.

Despite being similar in symptoms, presbyopia and farsightedness are two different disorders. Farsightedness is a refractive error due to the shorter eyeball or flat cornea, while presbyopia is caused by the hardening of the lens due to aging.


Diagnosis of Presbyopia

eyeglasses and contact lense woman reading What Is Presbyopia

An eye doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye exam and refraction to see if you have presbyopia.

If you notice you need to hold your book or tablet further away from your face to be able to read it, it might be time for reading glasses.


How to Treat Presbyopia?

doctor helps patient gives eye drops How to Treat Presbyopia

Presbyopia is easily treated with reading glasses, multifocal glasses, contact lenses, or surgery to improve vision.

Visit an eye doctor if you have signs and symptoms of presbyopia, and we will find the best solution for you.


Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have questions about presbyopia or other conditions and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com.

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!



📌 41 Nguyen Duy Hieu, Thao Dien, District 2, Thu Duc City.

📞 (+84) 28 225 33572

Using eye drops is an essential treatment for many ocular conditions. Eye drops can be prescribed to treat various eye disorders, including infection, eye injury, or glaucoma. It’s crucial to know how to put them in safely and accurately. Proper usage aids in the absorption of the medication into your eye. Read on to learn more.


Step-By-Step Instructions For Safely Instilling Eye Drops

Step 1: Use soap and water to wash your hands. Remember to dry them with a clean towel.

Step 2: Remove the cap and place it on a clean surface or towel.

Step 3: Sit comfortably, tilt your head back, and place your chin upward

Step 4: Look up and use two fingers to pull your lower eyelid down.

Step 5: Use the other hand to hold the bottle over your eye, with the dropper tip facing down. The tip should be close to your eye, yet avoid touching it.

Step 6: Squeeze the bottle until 2-3 single drops fall into each lower eyelid.

Step 7: Close your eyes, then use a finger to press the inside corner of the eye gently.

Step 8: Use a tissue to wipe away any excess eye drops around your eyes.


Do’s and Don’ts When Using Eye Drops

man using drops eyes home Dos and Donts When Using Eye Drops

What you should do while using eye drops:

  • Read the instructions of the eye care provider carefully since some eye drops have special instructions, such as shaking well before using.
  • Wash your hands carefully with soap before instilling eye drops.
  • Check for how long you may safely use your eye drops after opening the bottle. Usually no longer than 1 month.
  • Keep all eye drops out of reach of children.


What you shouldn’t do while using eye drops:

  • Don’t touch the bottle’s tip with your unclean hands.
  • Don’t let the tip of the eye drop bottle touch your eye.
  • Don’t use medicinal eye drops when wearing contact lenses unless your doctor allows you to.
  • Don’t share eye drops with other people.


If you suffer from any eye disorder, get an exam today to find the best treatment for your eyes.

Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have any questions about how to use eye drops or any other conditions and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!



📌 41 Nguyen Duy Hieu, Thao Dien, District 2, Thu Duc City.

📞 (+84) 28 225 33572

When you are over 40, your eyes weaken, your vision deteriorates, and glasses are required. PRELEX (Presbyopic Lens Exchange) is an effective tool for treating this. Read on to learn more about the PRELEX surgical procedure.


What Is PRELEX Surgery?

patient having prelex surgery PRELEX What Is It & How Does It Work body ss

Many problems can arise as your eyes age, including eye aging and a defective natural lens. Over time, these issues worsen, causing your vision to become impaired. This process begins with a gradual loss of close focus vision, chronic eye strain, and headaches, resulting in glasses required. As your natural lens becomes cloudier, prescription lenses become necessary.

PRELEX stands for PREsbyopic Lens EXchange. It is a surgical treatment that substitutes your natural lens with a multifocal intraocular lens or IOL. PRELEX corrects your vision at all distances, removing or minimizing the need for glasses.

PRELEX is a similar technique to cataract surgery. Cataract surgery usually occurs later in life when your natural lens has become cloudy, a natural sign of aging, making your vision blurry.


Who Needs This Surgical Procedure?

PRELEX could be an effective treatment for:

  • People with presbyopia; a condition that impairs the ability to see nearby objects.
  • People over the age of 40 who want to ditch their glasses or bifocals.
  • People with developing cataracts.


The Advantages of PRELEX surgery are:

  • Eliminating the need for glasses
  • Correction for farsightedness and nearsightedness
  • Safe, science-proven, and out-patient (no hospitalization required) procedure
  • Fast and painless procedure
  • Quick recovery plus immediate results
  • Prevention of cataracts


A thorough examination is required to fully understand all of the alternatives available to repair your vision.


Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.

We are happy to help if you have any questions about PRELEX surgery, other conditions, and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com

Contact us today to schedule an eye exam!



📌 41 Nguyen Duy Hieu, Thao Dien, District 2, Thu Duc City.

📞 (+84) 28 225 33572


Imagine waking up every morning with a clear vision, free from the constraints of glasses or contact lenses. For those seeking an alternative to traditional vision correction methods, Orthokeratology, also known as ortho-K or corneal reshaping therapy, presents an innovative and non-surgical solution. In this blog, we explore the world of Ortho-K, its benefits, and how it can transform your vision and lifestyle.

What Is Ortho-K, And How Does It Work?

lens on girls finger What Is Ortho-K

Ortho-K, short for Orthokeratology, uses a customized contact lens to correct your vision by reshaping your cornea. While you wear it overnight, this particularly rigid lens slowly flattens out your cornea, improving your vision. There is no need for glasses or contacts when you awake after sleeping with Ortho-K. Ortho-K can treat myopia or nearsightedness and mild astigmatism. The effect of the Ortho-K lenses usually lasts for at least one day.

Some studies suggest that Ortho-K might slow down the progression of myopia. It is essential to understand that Ortho-K can not permanently correct your vision, and this non-surgical, non-invasive technology is safe for both adults and children.

It is an excellent option if you are tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses during the day and if other corrective surgeries are not an option for you.

Pros and Cons of Orthokeratology (Ortho-K lens)


  • Ortho-K allows you to enjoy clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses, providing freedom and convenience.
  • It is a non-invasive and reversible procedure, meaning that if you decide to stop using Ortho-K lenses, your cornea will return to its original shape.
  • Ortho-K has been proven effective in correcting myopia and astigmatism, making it a versatile option for different vision needs.
  • Some studies suggest that Ortho-K may slow down the progression of myopia in children and young adults, helping to manage nearsightedness.
  • Gas-permeable lenses used in Ortho-K are designed for comfort during sleep, reducing dryness and irritation associated with traditional contact lenses.
  • Ortho-K lenses are ideal for athletes and individuals with active lifestyles, as there are no lenses to worry about during sports or physical activities.


  • Successful Ortho-K requires strict adherence to wearing the lenses every night and follow-up visits with the eye care professional. Non-compliance may lead to less effective results.
  • The reshaping effect of Ortho-K is temporary. If lenses are not worn regularly, the cornea will return to its original shape, and the vision correction will be lost.
  • It may take some time to get used to wearing the Ortho-K lenses during sleep. Initially, some people may experience discomfort or dryness.
  • Ortho-K is not recommended for individuals with certain eye conditions or irregular corneal shapes. An eye care professional will determine candidacy based on a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Proper lens care and hygiene are essential to avoid eye infections and maintain eye health. Cleaning and storing the lenses correctly are vital responsibilities.
  • Ortho-K lenses can be more expensive than traditional contact lenses. However, long-term savings on glasses and daytime contact lenses may offset the initial cost.

Candidates for ortho K lenses

curly hair girl putting on ortho k lenses How Do Ortho-K Lenses Work body ss

Ortho-K lenses can be used by children and adults eight and up. Children and young adults are excellent candidates since you must be 18 to qualify for most invasive vision correction procedures.

Ortho-K might be a great option for you if:

  • Mild to Moderate Myopia: Ortho-K is effective for correcting myopia up to around -6.00 diopters.
  • Astigmatism: It can also correct astigmatism, with or without myopia.
  • Active Lifestyles: People with active lifestyles, athletes, and those engaged in sports may benefit from Ortho-K as it offers freedom from glasses and daytime contact lenses during physical activities.
  • Seeking Freedom from Glasses: Individuals who desire freedom from wearing glasses or traditional contact lenses during the day may find Ortho-K appealing.
  • Not Suitable for LASIK: Ortho-K can be considered as an alternative for those who are not suitable candidates for laser eye surgery.
  • Children and Teens: Ortho-K can be a good option for children and teenagers who may not be comfortable with regular contact lens wear.
  • Dry Eye Concerns: Individuals with dry eye issues may find Ortho-K lenses more comfortable than traditional daytime contact lenses.

To determine if Ortho-K is a good option for you or your child, an extensive eye exam has to be performed.

Safety and Monitoring

When performed by a qualified eye care professional and with proper patient compliance, Ortho-K is considered safe. Regular follow-up visits are essential to monitor the progress of your treatment and ensure the lenses fit correctly and comfortably.

Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, opens up a world of possibilities for those seeking an alternative to glasses or daytime contact lenses. With its non-surgical approach and impressive benefits, Ortho-K offers freedom from vision correction devices during the day, clearer vision, and the potential to control myopia progression. If you are looking to transform your vision and lifestyle, consider exploring the world of Ortho-K with the guidance of an experienced eye care professional. Embrace this visionary approach to reclaiming clear, unobstructed sight and experience life without the hassle of glasses or contact lenses.

Is it possible to purchase Ortho-K lenses from retail stores or online shops?

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses are not typically available for purchase at regular stores or online shops like standard contact lenses or glasses. Ortho-K lenses are specialized medical devices that require precise fitting, customization, and ongoing monitoring by a qualified eye care professional.

If you’re interested in trying Ortho-K for vision correction, the process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: Schedule an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who specializes in Ortho-K. They will evaluate your eye health, measure your cornea, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.
  2. Fitting and Prescription: If you’re a good candidate, your eye care professional will take detailed measurements of your cornea to design custom Ortho-K lenses that will reshape your cornea overnight.
  3. Trial and Adjustment: You will be provided with the specialized Ortho-K lenses and instructions on how to wear and care for them. You’ll wear these lenses while you sleep, and they will gently reshape your cornea to provide clear vision during the day. There might be a period of adjustment as your eyes adapt to the lenses.
  4. Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments to the lens fit, and ensure your eyes are responding well to the treatment.
  5. Ongoing Care: Ortho-K lenses need ongoing care and maintenance. Your eye care professional will guide you on proper lens care and replacement schedules.

Given the specialized nature of Ortho-K, it’s important to go through this process under the guidance of a qualified eye care professional. Attempting to purchase Ortho-K lenses without proper fitting and monitoring could lead to discomfort, vision problems, or even eye health issues. Always consult with an eye care professional for personalized advice and treatment.

Experience the Future of Clear Vision at European Eye Center! Our clinic proudly offers Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), a revolutionary non-surgical solution for impeccable vision. Say goodbye to glasses and contacts during the day and welcome a world of freedom and clarity. Discover the difference Ortho-K can make in your life. Schedule a consultation with us today and embark on your journey to exceptional vision!

Dry Eye Disease or DED can be a very annoying, even painful condition. More and more people, even kids, are suffering from dry eyes, and a lot has to do with spending more time behind the computer. Although DED does not result in permanent vision loss, it can be debilitating.

In this article, you will learn more about the causes, symptoms, and therapies possible for this condition.


What Is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease is common when your tears cannot provide adequate lubrication to your eyes. Tears provide moisture and lubrication to help you see and keep your eyes comfortable and lubricated. DED usually affects adults, but recently, more and more children have dry eyes. The increased amount of time behind a computer is likely one of the causes.


What Causes Dry Eye?

The two leading causes of DED are insufficient tear production and poor tear quality.

The tear film is essential to keep your eye’s surface lubricated, clean, and protected. Three layers make up the tear film: the oily layer, the aqueous fluid layer, and the mucous layer. Issues with any of these layers can cause dry eye disease.

Most DED results from insufficient tear quality due to Meibomian gland dysfunction. These small glands in your eyelids are essential for good quality tears but sometimes become clogged up, leading to DED.

Other possible causes of tear film malfunction are:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Allergic eye disease
  • Decreased tear production
  • Increased tear evaporation


Symptoms Of Dry Eye

Dry and red eye | "Dry eye disease is a common ophthalmic condition. The question is, did dry eye patients struggle with the current pandemic? And does the deadly coronavirus play a role in making us more prone to dry eyes?

Dry eye disease can cause the following symptoms:

  • Dryness
  • Itchiness or general eye irritation
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Glare or halo’s, especially at night



  • Artificial tears: These eye drops can be obtained without a prescription and used as often as necessary.
  • Hot eye patches: Using a hot patch for 20 minutes a day helps unclog the Meibomian glands, which will improve your tear quality and reduce dry eye symptoms.
  • Punctal plugs: Natural tears drain from your eyes through a duct. Sometimes the tears drain too quickly, causing dry eyes. Tiny silicone or gel plugs are implanted in your tear ducts and are removable if needed.
  • Medication: Cyclosporine is an anti-inflammatory medicine widely recommended for dry eye syndrome.
  • IPL or Radiofrequency therapy: Special devices can help unclog the Meibomian glands and improve the eyelid’s inflammation.


Tips for preventing or reducing dry eye symptoms:

  • Avoid direct air blowing into the eyes (hair dryers, car heaters, air conditioners, or fans)
  • Consider wearing sunglasses or other protective eyewear.
  • Close your eyes for a few minutes or repeatedly blink for a few seconds to give your eyes a break after long tasks or to work on a computer
  • Pay focus to the position of your computer screen.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Stop smoking and avoid smoke.


If you suffer from the symptoms of dry eyes, get an exam today to find the best treatment for your eyes.

Every patient deserves top-quality eye care from us. European Eye Center focuses on providing Western-standard services and determining appropriate treatment plans to help patients restore their vision in a feel-like-home atmosphere.


We are happy to help if you have any questions about dry eye disease, other conditions, and our primary services. Don’t hesitate to connect with us at appointment@europeaneyecenter.com

Contact us today to schedule an eye care service!




📌 41 Nguyen Duy Hieu, Thao Dien, District 2, Thu Duc City.

📞 (+84) 28 225 33572